A year ago, I decided to leave my job after wondering what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t know which direction to go and felt like I was falling behind. I also realized how much I didn’t know about my own career. It was then, after having the Flamingfiregirl Devotional book for years, that I picked it up again and decided to incorporate it into my daily routine on a whim. Reading the devotional and finding time to communicate with God and express my feelings and concerns helped me more than I ever thought. Every day, I could achieve what I set out to do, and day by day, I got closer to understanding my heart and my purpose. I already knew that God was always there for me and my destiny, but during this time especially, I could finally prove it to myself. I spent six months without a job. I picked up the devotional in the fifth month, and in less than a month, I was already receiving job offers. I was finally moving forward. “My goals, my life, my destiny—they are all in God’s hands, but I have to do my part as well,” was my realization, and thanks to Jackie’s Devotional, I had more conviction than ever.
Claury Meijer, Computer Scientist (Dominican Republic)How My Life Changed Since Using The Flamingfiregirl Devotional
In the second week after I joined the sisterhood Zoom Bible study, God healed me. Just as the service was ending, Jackie kept saying we could leave, but I'm not the kind of person to leave when I don't see others leaving. Right before I was about to leave, Jackie said she was praying for someone with issues of the spine. A couple of months before, I had gone to the hospital and was diagnosed with enthesopathy of the spine. Due to this, I always experienced pain in my joints, my back, etc. But after Jackie prayed, I went to take my bath, and when I came back to the room, I couldn't feel a single pain. Mind you, before I went to take my bath, I couldn't bend; I could barely stand! I really thank God for healing me.
AnonymousHealing Testimony: Healed of Spinal Issues
Flamingfiregirl has been a major part of my Christian journey. From the Instagram live sessions to the conferences to the online Zoom Bible studies, I believe these meetings have really corrected me, kept me in shape as a Christian, and helped me avoid certain mistakes. I would still have been a very lukewarm Christian, but by the grace of God, through the Holy Spirit, this ministry has made me more aware of God and conscious of living for Him rather than living for myself and for the world. The picnics, Bible study hangouts, and all the in-person events are gradually taking my shyness away. It’s been great meeting like-minded people who can genuinely relate to unspoken struggles and, most importantly, fellowshipping together as sisters. I'm grateful to God for a ministry like this. I really felt attracted and drawn to Jackie. I just liked her so much... I don't really know why (perhaps her fire and boldness)...but I believe my life started changing since I started associating with her and this ministry.
BBK"I am no longer a lukewarm Christian since I connected with the Flamingfiregirl Ministry"